Dr Emma Lovell
- Chief Investigator
- University of New South Wales
- e.lovell@unsw.edu.au
Dr Emma Lovell is a Lecturer in the School of Chemical Engineering at UNSW.
She is a researcher in the Particles and Catalysis (PartCat) Research Group. Her research focuses on developing novel catalysts for a range of applications; with a particular focus on energy and environmental catalysis. Emma completed her PhD in 2016 at UNSW developing catalysts for carbon dioxide conversion (with a research exchange at the University of Bremen). She was the recipient of the Women in Engineering Scholarship for the duration of her studies. Her PhD work focused on developing nickel based catalysts for the carbon dioxide (dry) reforming of methane.
Currently, her research focuses on developing catalytic materials for a range of different energy inputs. This includes developing catalysts for the photo/plasmon-enhanced thermal catalytic carbon dioxide methanation and the plasma-catalytic carbon dioxide methanation and nitrogen fixation as well as developing defective electrocatalysis for hydrogen evolution reaction as well as carbon dioxide reduction reactions.
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