Professor Zhenhai Xia
- Chief Investigator
- University of New South Wales
Professor Zhenhai Xia is a Program leader at ARC COE-CSI, and a Deputy Director of the Australian Carbon Materials Centre at UNSW. Before joining UNSW, he was a Full Professor jointly appointed at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering and the Department of Chemistry at the University of North Texas, USA. His current research interests include multiscale and multi-physics modeling of clean energy conversion and storage, biological and bioinspired materials and surfaces, and mechanics of nanostructured materials/composites. He has authored one book, 7 book chapters and over 210 publications in peer-reviewed journals, including Science and Nature series. His work has been cited over 25,000 citations with an h-index 57 (as of June 2023, Google Scholar) and over 14 highly-cited papers/hot papers selected by Web of Science. He was the recipient of 1997 Humboldt Scholarship award from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany; 2015 Nanoscience Research Leader Award from Science Letters, USA; 2019 Somiya Award from the International Union of Materials Research Societies; and 2020 Scientist Award from the International Association of Advanced Materials. He is the associate editor of Frontiers in Energy Materials.
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